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May 31 VH

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Marty R.

Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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Location: Rochester, NY, USA

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:29 am    Post subject: May 31 VH Reply with quote


| 1   4  238   | 9  27  6 | 237  5   2378 |
| 7   5  29    | 3  4   8 | 29   6   1    |
| 268 89 23689 | 17 127 5 | 4    279 2378 |
| 68  2  678   | 4  38  1 | 379  79  5    |
| 4   3  17    | 56 56  9 | 127  8   27   |
| 9   18 5     | 2  38  7 | 136  4   36   |
| 25  19 4     | 8  19  3 | 2567 27  267  |
| 3   6  28    | 57 57  4 | 28   1   9    |
| 58  7  19    | 16 169 2 | 58   3   4    |

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took me 2 steps
1) XY-Wing (29-8)=> -8r13c3
2) X-Wing (2)r28=> -2r13c3,r157c7
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Joined: 05 Feb 2017
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I also in two steps

X-Wing with number 2 in r28c37 and -2 in r1c37, r3c3, r5c7 and r7c7;
W-Wing with 3,8 in r3c9 and r6c5 connected by number 8 in r36c2 and -3 in r6c9.

Ciao Gianni
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Ajò Dimonios

Joined: 01 May 2017
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi everyone

X wing 2 ( line 2 and line 8 )-->-2R1C3 -2R3C3 -2R7C7 -2R1C7 -2R5C7

AIC R8C3<8>R9C1=8=>R4C1<8>R4C1=6=>R4C3<6>R3C3=6=>R3C3<8>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3<8>R9C1=8=>R4C1<8>R4C1=6=>R4C3<6>R3C3=6=>R3C3<3>R1C3=3=>R1C3<8>-8 R1C3

Ciao a tutti
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Ajò Dimonios

Joined: 01 May 2017
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi everyone

Sorry for mistakes on formulas.

Correct formulas
X wing 2 ( line 2 and line 8 )-->-2R1C3 -2R3C3 -2R7C7 -2R1C7 -2R5C7

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠8=>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠3=>R1C3=3=>R1C3≠8=>-8 R1C3

Ciao a tutti
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Marty R.

Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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Location: Rochester, NY, USA

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

| 1 4 238 | 9 27 6 | 237 5 2378 |
| 7 5 29 | 3 4 8 | 29 6 1 |
| 268 89 23689 | 17 127 5 | 4 279 2378 |
| 68 2 678 | 4 38 1 | 379 79 5 |
| 4 3 17 | 56 56 9 | 127 8 27 |
| 9 18 5 | 2 38 7 | 136 4 36 |
| 25 19 4 | 8 19 3 | 2567 27 267 |
| 3 6 28 | 57 57 4 | 28 1 9 |
| 58 7 19 | 16 169 2 | 58 3 4 |

Correct formulas
X wing 2 ( line 2 and line 8 )-->-2R1C3 -2R3C3 -2R7C7 -2R1C7 -2R5C7

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠8=>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠3=>R1C3=3=>R1C3≠8=>-8 R1C3


What are you trying to tell us with the two AICs? Do they get performed consecutively? The first one says r3c3<>8 and the second one, r1c3<>8. What does it all mean? What is your solution to the puzzle?
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Ajò Dimonios

Joined: 01 May 2017
Posts: 339
Location: Sassari Italy

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


| 1   4  238   | 9  27  6 | 237  5   2378 |
| 7   5  29    | 3  4   8 | 29   6   1    |
| 268 89 23689 | 17 127 5 | 4    279 2378 |
| 68  2  678   | 4  38  1 | 379  79  5    |
| 4   3  17    | 56 56  9 | 127  8   27   |
| 9   18 5     | 2  38  7 | 136  4   36   |
| 25  19 4     | 8  19  3 | 2567 27  267  |
| 3   6  28    | 57 57  4 | 28   1   9    |
| 58  7  19    | 16 169 2 | 58   3   4    |

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After x wing and insert single 2

| 1   4  38   | 9  2   6 | 37  5  378 |
| 7   5  29   | 3  4   8 | 29  6  1   |
| 268 89 3689 | 17 17  5 | 4   29 38  |
| 68  2  678  | 4  38  1 | 379 79 5   |
| 4   3  17   | 56 56  9 | 17  8  2   |
| 9   18 5    | 2  38  7 | 136 4  36  |
| 25  19 4    | 8  19  3 | 567 27 67  |
| 3   6  28   | 57 57  4 | 28  1  9   |
| 58  7  19   | 16 169 2 | 58  3  4   |

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It sufficient for solution only second AIC -8 in R1C3.

| 1   4  3    | 9  2   6 | 37  5  378 |
| 7   5  29   | 3  4   8 | 29  6  1   |
| 268 89 3689 | 17 17  5 | 4   29 38  |
| 68  2  678  | 4  38  1 | 379 79 5   |
| 4   3  17   | 56 56  9 | 17  8  2   |
| 9   18 5    | 2  38  7 | 136 4  36  |
| 25  19 4    | 8  19  3 | 567 27 67  |
| 3   6  28   | 57 57  4 | 28  1  9   |
| 58  7  19   | 16 169 2 | 58  3  4   |

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| 1   4  3    | 9  2   6 | 7    5   8   |
| 7   5  9    | 3  4   8 | 2    6   1   |
| 2   8  6    | 1  7   5 | 4    9   3   |
| 6   2  8    | 4  3   1 | 9    7   5   |
| 4   3  7    | 5  6   9 | 1    8   2   |
| 9   1  5    | 2  8   7 | 3    4   6   |
| 5   9  4    | 8  1   3 | 6    2   7   |
| 3   6  2    | 7  5   4 | 8    1   9   |
| 8   7  1    | 6  9   2 | 5    3   4   |

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Ajò Dimonios

Joined: 01 May 2017
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Location: Sassari Italy

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Marty R.

The logic of two AIC is the same.

When 8 in r8c3 is made in turn true and false the 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 is
always false, there is a contradiction, so 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 can be removed.

Ciao a tutti
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Marty R.

Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It sufficient for solution only second AIC -8 in R1C3.

Sorry to be such a pest with all these questions. If after the X-Wing, AIC #2 is sufficient, what is the purpose of #1 and why show it? What is the reader to think?

When 8 in r8c3 is made in turn true and false the 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 is
always false, there is a contradiction, so 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 can be removed.

I do not understand anything about this sentence. Do you know how to write Eureka notation? That can answer a lot of questions and show exactly what is being done.
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Marty

The first puzzle is in my previous post is the initial problem that you put .
The second puzzle represents the situation after the x-wing of the 2 and
other insertions and eliminations with basic strategies, including the 2 in first line (R1C5).
The third puzzle is simply obtained by eliminating the 8 in R1C3 which easily leads to the solution.
The fourth is the solution.

Last edited by Ajò Dimonios on Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When 8 in r8c3 is made in turn true and false the 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 is
always false, there is a contradiction, so 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 can be removed.

It is simply a demonstration of the logical process of the AIC chain leading to the elimination of the 8 in R1C3 and R3C3.

In fact, the 8 in R8C3 "sees" both 8 in R1C3 and R3C3. So when R8C3 = 8 is true the other 8 are false (weak inference).

The second is the strong inference of the AIC chain
AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠8=>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠3=>R1C3=3=>R1C3≠8=>-8 R1C3

Which shows that when R8C3 is false even 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 are false.Then 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 can be eliminated because either that 8 in R8C3 is true or false the 8 in R1C3 and r3C3 are always false (contradiction).

I hope I have been clear, even though my English is not very correct.
Ciao a Tutti
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Marty R.

Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope that this is my final post in this thread.

The second is the strong inference of the AIC chain
AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠8=>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠3=>R1C3=3=>R1C3≠8=>-8 R1C3

Is this considered two branches of one chain?

Which shows that when R8C3 is false even 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 are false.Then 8 in R1C3 and R3C3 can be eliminated because either that 8 in R8C3 is true or false the 8 in R1C3 and r3C3 are always false (contradiction)

You talk about r8c3 being true or false but I don't see any chain with r8c3=8 being the opening premise.

Yes, r1c3 and r3c3<>8 when r8c3 is either true or false. I don't understand where the contradiction is. it looks to me like a common outcome of a forcing chain.

Is that the solution, that both r1r3c3 and r3c3 are false? Does the elimination of those two 8s finish the puzzle?
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠8=>-8 R3C3

AIC R8C3≠8=>R9C1=8=>R4C1≠8=>R4C1=6=>R4C3≠6=>R3C3=6=>R3C3≠3=>R1C3=3=>R1C3≠8=>-8 R1C3
Is this considered two branches of one chain?

No, there are two independent AICs that share the initial cell and the first part to cell R3C3 = 6. One eliminates 8 in R1C3 and the other eliminates 8 in R3C3.
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You talk about r8c3 being true or false but I don't see any chain with r8c3=8 being the opening premise.

The premise is implicit in the fact that 8 in R3C8 "sees" the cells R1C3 and R3C3. This means that there is a weak inference between them.
In each AIC, the head and tail of the chain must "see" the cells where the elimination occurs.
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, r1c3 and r3c3<>8 when r8c3 is either true or false. I don't understand where the contradiction is. it looks to me like a common outcome of a forcing chain.

With contradiction I mean an impossible situation. Cell R1C3 and R3C3 cell can never contain 8 as a value, because it is impossible that in cell R8C3 the 8 is both true and false at the same time (premise of logical reasoning).
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Ajò Dimonios

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is that the solution, that both r1r3c3 and r3c3 are false? Does the elimination of those two 8s finish the puzzle?

As I said in a previous post, to reach the solution is enough to eliminate 8 in R1C3.The second elimination is supposed to be easily accessed by the basic technique

Saluti a tutti
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