
Welcome to the Daily SuDoku!

Today's SuDoku is shown on the right. Click the grid to download a printable version of the puzzle. Visit the archive for previous daily puzzles and solutions. Play online, print a Sudoku, solve and get hints using the new improved Draw/Play function.

But how do I do it?

The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?

The rules of the new Monster Sudokus are exactly the same, but more numbers and letters are needed. 12x12 puzzles require the numbers 1 to 9 and A, B and C in each row, column and 3x4 box. 16x16 puzzles need 0 to 9, and the letters A to F. Try the Squiggly puzzles for a slightly different feel.

Want more?

Take a look at the Daily SuDoku E-Books. Choose from classic, squiggly or kids puzzle books, each with 40 unique and graded puzzles. Visit the books page for more information.

Blank SuDoku grids - PDFs available for easy printing:

9x9: large (1 to a page) | medium (2) | small (6)

4x4: large (1) | medium (2) | small (6)

6x6: large (1) | medium (2) | small (6)

12x12: large (1) | medium (2) | small (6)

16x16: large (1) | medium (2) | small (6)

Click the grid above for a printable page
Size: Copies:

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